
How to download file from steam workshop
How to download file from steam workshop

how to download file from steam workshop

To counteract that I would recommend putting the difficulty and aggressiveness of OPFOR up by a couple notches. Well hello there, I originally made this as a scenario for my friends and I using a couple of Ukrainian Armed Forces mods, but since the main one was taken down from the workshop I created a CDF faction and arsenal presets as a replacement and decided to publish it on the workshop so it doesn't go to waste after we finish our own campaign.I have to say this is my first liberation scenario, therefore expect minor issues here and there, mostly vehicle price balancing related. Never lose your progress with the built-in server-side save system. Accomplish meaningful secondary objectives that will benefit your progression. Learn that every window is a threat thanks to the custom urban combat AI. Monitor and work alongside, or against, independent guerrilla forces. Combat aggressive and cunning hostile forces who react and adapt to your actions. Play within an immersive engine that not only punishes you for civilian casualty but diversely reacts in turn. Build the FOB of your dreams with an in-game "what you see is what you get" system. Purchase both infantry and vehicles (both ground and air) using three different types of physical resources supplies, ammunition and fuel. Cooperate with up to 34 players, including a Commanding role, two fire-team squads, a medevac and a logistical support squad as well as AI recruits to fill the gaps. Experience a massive “Capture the Island” campaign involving a large range of different settlements across the entire area. Embark with your teammates on a persistent campaign that will span several weeks of real time to liberate all the major cities of the area.

how to download file from steam workshop

The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to you to take it back.

How to download file from steam workshop